Sunday, September 13, 2009

Pantry size = Religious affiliation

I rushed home Friday during lunch to let the bug guy, Jack, in so he could spray inside the house. I thought I was going to miss him since I ran an errand real quick, but he was just finishing the backyard! He asks if I have had any problems inside, and I quickly respond 'yes, please come in.' The following is our conversation when he walked in:

Jack: What kind of problems have you been having lately?

Stephanie: Spiders

Jack: Okay, let me spray all areas of entry, and we will see if that helps.

Stephanie: That would be great!

Jack: (coming out of the pantry...) Are you Mormon?

Stephanie: Ummm, yes. How did you know?

Jack: Your pantry size... Mormons have big pantries. All the other homes I have been in with big pantries they were all Mormon too. I would hate to foot the bill to stock it though.

Stephanie: (sarcastic laugh) Oh, that's interesting. Do you know why we have all that food? It's called food storage, ya know, for a rainy day...

Jack: Uh, huh...yeah. Okay, I'm finished. See you in a couple months!

My conclusion, with Jack's help, of course :

Pantry size = Religious affiliation
(this is not a true statement either, I am simply making a joke)

1 comment:

The Gee Six said...

Crap. I am totally failing. My pantry is itty-bitty. Does that mean I'm a bad Mormon?!?